March-July 2015: ESB FOIA Requests Updated List
FOIA requests awaiting response:
4/17/15 ESBA investor Consumer Complaints in the matter of Empire State Realty Trust
6/15/15 -U.S. District Judge Randolph Moss, Washington, DC set to rule
on release of ESRT/ESBA records withheld by SEC.
2/09/15: All information concerning investigation in the matter of Empire State Realty Trust File No. MNY-08894 and any other SEC investigation concerning Empire State Realty Trust.
3/19/15 - "We have identified 3 boxes of records that are responsive
to your request. ......(approximately 3,000 pages per box)"
6/02/15 - Administrative Appeal response due 7/3/15
7/13/15 - SEC FOIA response past projected release date.
2/24/15 U.S. Department of Justice communication with SEC concerning Glomar Response,
FOIA Appeals and SEC employees Personal Notes exemption.
3/24/15 ..."a search for records responsive to your request has been initiated"
5/22/15 - Administrative Appeal response due 6/2/15
6/15/15 - "most of the information ready for processing, of Director of OIP's" (Office of Information Policy) pending.
6/24/15- Search completed. Documents "sent out to SEC for consult soon."