page 13
Capital Improvements
Filing Date
SEC S-4 for Empire State Realty Trust, Inc.
"…. historically, agreements have been entered into to share capital expenditure and financing costs."
Click here for Source: SEC S-4 for Empire State Realty Trust, Inc.
December 27, 1961
Sublessee Contract
"Sublease between Empire State Building Associates As Sublessor and
Empire State Building Company As Sublessee"
page 7
Article 9
Changes and Alterations by Sublessee
Title to all of the improvements shall be in the Lessor, that Sublessee shall be deemed to performing the work for the account of the Lessor, and that Sublessee shall be entitled to the disbursements only as, if and when same are received by Sublessor by Lessor and upon receipt thereof Sublessor shall promptly, remit same to Sublessee as reimbursment for the work performed.
Click here for Source: Sublease Contract

Malkin Holdings L.L.C. "No independent representative was retained to negotiate on behalf of the participants." *
* S-4 Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. filed with SEC February 13, 2012 page 27
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